Melbourne Auction Results: July 27, 2024

Melbourne Real Estate Auction Results: July 27, 2024: Market Resilience Amid Economic Challenges

Melbourne’s property market demonstrated resilience over the weekend of July 27, 2024, with auction clearance rates holding steady despite ongoing economic challenges. The city recorded a clearance rate of 63%, a slight improvement from the previous weekend’s 62.8%, although still lower than the 67% seen during the same period last year​​​​.

A total of 813 auctions were scheduled across Melbourne, with 535 reported results leading to 338 homes sold. The total sales value reached an impressive $289,116,376, with a median price of $950,000. These figures paint a picture of a market that, while facing headwinds, continues to show strength and buyer interest​​.

Regional Performance and Property Diversity

Regional performance varied across Melbourne, with the Inner South leading the pack at a 74.9% clearance rate, followed closely by the Northeast at 73.2% and the Outer East at 70.1%. The Southeast region lagged somewhat behind, posting a 55.9% clearance rate. This variability highlights the nuanced dynamics within different suburbs of Melbourne​​​​.

The weekend’s auctions saw a wide range of properties changing hands. The top sale was a 4-bedroom house in Wheelers Hill, fetching $2,420,000, while the most affordable property sold was a 1-bedroom unit in Footscray for $250,000, highlighting the diversity of Melbourne’s property market​​.

Market Analysis and Economic Context

Media outlets have been quick to analyse these results, with many pointing to the lower clearance rates as an indicator of a cooling market. This cooling effect is largely attributed to current economic conditions and higher borrowing costs, with the Reserve Bank of Australia’s cash rate sitting at 4.35%​​​​. Despite these challenges, the market has shown some positive signs, including an increase in median prices from the previous weekend.

The economic context plays a crucial role in understanding these auction results. The RBA’s strategy to curb inflation through high interest rates has noticeably impacted the housing market, leading to more cautious behaviour among buyers and sellers. However, the resilience shown in the auction results suggests that there’s still strong underlying demand in Melbourne’s property market, even in the face of these economic challenges​​​​.

Looking Ahead

As Melbourne continues through the winter season, auction activity may experience some fluctuations. However, the current resilience suggests that the market may continue to perform steadily, albeit with potential variations in clearance rates and median prices. Historical data indicate that auction activity tends to pick up as the market enters the spring selling season, providing a more comprehensive view of the market’s health over time​​​​.


While Melbourne’s auction market is navigating through economic uncertainties and higher interest rates, it continues to demonstrate resilience. The weekend’s results, characterised by a moderately strong clearance rate and a diverse range of property sales, indicate a stable level of buyer interest and robust underlying demand. This performance offers valuable insights for potential buyers, sellers, and investors, suggesting that despite challenges, Melbourne’s property market remains active and dynamic​​​​​​​​.

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